& Regulations

Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery # 45 - Lottery Rules
Net proceeds from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery support the future of mentorship and afterschool programs for children and youth in Edmonton and surrounding
All draws will take place at the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters Riverdale Office located at 10135 89 Street NW, Edmonton, T5H 1P6 at the following dates and times:
- Loyalty #1 Draw: December 9, 2024, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight, December 2, 2024, will be eligible for this draw.
- Loyalty #2 Draw: January 13, 2025, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight, January 6, 2025, will be eligible for this draw.
- Early Bird #1 Draw: February 20, 2025, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight, February 13, 2025, will be eligible for this draw.
- Early Bird #2 Draw: March 27, 2025, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight, March 20, 2025, will be eligible for this draw.
- Bonus #1 & #2 Draws: May 14, 2025, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight on May 7, 2025, will be eligible for these draws.
- Grand Prize Draw: May 14, 2025, at 12 noon. Only tickets purchased by Midnight on May 7, 2025, will be eligible for this draw.
All draws are open to the public. All draws will be conducted in the following manner: Two executive members of the Board of Directors of the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Society and one member of the public will be present to witness. Prize draws follow a strict set of procedures, with draw control oversight by Stride Management Corp.
and under licensing approval by the licensing body, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC). Each prize draw will be conducted in accordance with the approved Raffle Terms and Conditions as put forth by AGLC. Draws are conducted using a Random Number Generated (RNG) system, certified and approved by AGLC. All winning tickets will be eligible for all subsequent draws. Files are continuously backed up by Stride Management Corp. In the
unexpected event of a power failure the draw will be postponed and take place immediately once power has been restored.
Only upon demonstrating extraordinary circumstances to Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis will the Licensee make a request for draw extension.
The names, cities and winning ticket numbers of the Dream Home prize winners will be posted on the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Lottery website: and on the agency social media platforms.
In the event a winning ticket stub has more than one name on it, the licensed charity shall award the prize to the first name of all individuals identified on the ticket. Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters and the AGLC are not responsible for any disputes which may arise between the different individuals whose names appear on the ticket stub.
Tickets may be purchased by cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Debit, and cash. Credit card vouchers made payable to the organization are acceptable. Non-certified cheques will be accepted. Ticket stub(s) will not be included in any draw until the funds are in the Dream Home Lottery #45 Raffle Bank Account. The Lottery Committee’s liability is limited to the purchase price of the ticket.
All tickets will be controlled by the licensee and are available by mail, phone, online and in-person at the Dream Home located at 26 Easton Close, St. Albert, AB, T8N 4G3. Please visit for Dream Home opening date and hours. All tickets will be controlled by Stride Management Corp.
Total Dream Home tickets available are 610,100.
- 18,600 single tickets for $30
- 15,500 sets of 5 for $70
- 12,000 sets of 10 for $100
- 2,200 sets of 20 for $150
- 7,000 sets of 50 for $250
Purchasers are not required to purchase a Win50 (50/50) Lottery ticket to be eligible to
purchase a Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery ticket.
Prizes are not transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
The winner of the Dream Home will have their choice between the home advertised OR $1 Million cash. Should the winner not make their choice by June 12, 2025, the cash option will be awarded – the $1 Million cash option will be paid immediately. If the home option is selected, the Dream Home prize transfer will be completed by July 11, 2025. The Dream Home is located at
26 Easton Close, St. Albert, AB, T8N 4G3. The home includes GST and basic landscaping.
- The Loyalty #1 draw is for $45,000 cash.
- The Loyalty #2 draw is for $45,000 cash.
- The Early Bird #1 draw is for $45,000 cash.
- The Early Bird #2 draw is for $45,000 cash.
- The Bonus Prize #1 is for $10,000 cash.
- The Bonus Prize #2 is 5 separate draws of $5000 cash. Total value is $25,000 cash.
- The Grand Prize is a $1.1 Million Dream Home or a cash prize of $1,000,000.
If a winner has not been located by August 13, 2025, after publicly advertising this fact, the Society will write to the AGLC requesting permission to allocate said prizes for use by Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Society.
Supplier Restrictions
The purchase of Dream Home Lottery tickets by Board Members, Guest(s) of the Board,Governance Committee, Finance Committee, paid staff members and student interns for the purpose of personal ownership, or purchase for the purpose of personal ownership by direct family members who reside with any of these persons is not permitted.
The Raffle Ticket Managers, Stride Management, and their employees and members of their immediate family (a spouse, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister, or the spouse of any of these
individuals) or anyone who lives in their home are prohibited from purchasing tickets on behalf of others or for themselves.
Notice Advising Ticket Purchasers
Ticket purchasers must be 18 years of age or older, and the name of a minor must not be written on the ticket. Tickets for the Dream Home Lottery will be sold in Alberta only. The Raffle is open to all persons who are located in the Province of Alberta when purchasing tickets online.
Both the Boys &Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area and Stride
Management Corp. respect your privacy. We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists. The personal information collected by the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area will be used to process ticket orders and to contact you regarding ongoing and future lotteries, agency events, marketing and fundraising efforts, and promotions.
If any purchased ticket has been entered in any of the draws, no refund will be issued.
Ticket Inquiries
Stride Management Corp.
Call toll free at 1-877-483-8832 or write:
Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area
P. O. Box 1800 Station Main
Edmonton, AB T5J 2P2
Net proceeds from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery support the future of mentorship and afterschool programs for children and youth in Edmonton and surrounding
The Win50 draw will take place at the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters Riverdale Office located at 10135 89 Street NW, Edmonton, T5H 1P6 at the following date and time:
Win50 Draw: May 14, 2025 at 12 noon. Only tickets purchase by Midnight, May 7, 2025 will be eligible for this draw.
All draws are open to the public. All draws will be conducted in the following manner: Two executive members of the Board of Directors of the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Society and one member of the public will be present to witness. Prize draws follow a strict set of procedures, with draw control oversight by Stride Management Corp. and under licensing approval by the licensing body, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis
(AGLC). Each prize draw will be conducted in accordance with the approved Raffle Terms and Conditions as put forth by AGLC. Draws are conducted using a Random Number Generated (RNG) system, certified and approved by AGLC. All winning tickets will be eligible for all subsequent draws. Files are continuously backed up by STRIDE Management Corp. In the unexpected event of a power failure the draw will be postponed and take place immediately once power has been restored.
Only upon demonstrating extraordinary circumstances to Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis will the Licensee make a request for draw extension.
The names, cities and winning ticket numbers of the Dream Home prize winners will be posted on the Boys &Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Lottery website: and on the agency social media platforms.
In the event a winning ticket stub has more than one name on it, the licensed charity shall award the prize to the first name of all individuals identified on the ticket. Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters and the AGLC are not responsible for any disputes which may arise between the different individuals whose names appear on the ticket stub.
Tickets may be purchased by cheque, money order, Visa, MasterCard, Debit, and cash. Credit card vouchers made payable to the organization are acceptable. Non-certified cheques will be accepted. Ticket stub(s) will not be included in any draw until the funds are in the Win50 #45 Raffle Bank Account. The Lottery Committee’s liability is limited to the purchase price of the ticket.
All tickets will be controlled by the licensee and are available by mail, phone, online and in- person at the Dream Home located at 26 Easton Close, St. Albert, AB, T8N 4G3. Please visit for Dream Home opening date and hours. All tickets will be controlled by Stride Management Corp.
Total Win50 tickets available are 1,173,500
- 8,500 single tickets for $10
- 15,000 sets of 5 for $25
- 8,000 sets of 15 for $50
- 6,800 sets of 50 for $75
- 6,300 sets of 100 for $100
Purchasers are not required to purchase a Big Brothers Big Sisters Dream Home Lottery ticket to be eligible to purchase a Win50 Lottery ticket.
Prizes are not transferable and must be accepted as awarded.
Each ticket is eligible for the Win50 cash prize: 50% of ticket sales up to $2,000,000 (maximum cash prize of $1,000,000).
If a winner has not been located by August 13, 2025, after publicly advertising this fact, the Society will write to the AGLC requesting permission to allocate said prizes for use by Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area Society.
Supplier Restrictions
The purchase of Dream Home & Win50 Lottery tickets by Board Members, Guest(s) of the Board, Governance Committee, Finance Committee, paid staff members and student interns for the purpose of personal ownership, or purchase for the purpose of personal ownership by direct family members who reside with any of these persons is not permitted.
The Raffle Ticket Managers, Stride Management, and their employees and members of their immediate family (a spouse, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister, or the spouse of any of these
individuals) or anyone who lives in their home are prohibited from purchasing tickets on behalf of others or for themselves.
Notice Advising Ticket Purchasers
Ticket purchasers must be 18 years of age or older, and the name of a minor must not be written on the ticket. Tickets for the Win50 Lottery will be sold in Alberta only. The Raffle is open to all persons who are located in the Province of Alberta when purchasing tickets online.
Both the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area and Stride
Management Corp. respect your privacy. We do not rent, sell, or trade our mailing lists. The personal information collected by the Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area will be used to process ticket orders and to contact you regarding ongoing and future lotteries, agency events, marketing and fundraising efforts, and promotions.
If any purchased ticket has been entered in any of the draws, no refund will be issued.
Ticket Inquiries
Stride Management Corp.
Call toll free at 1-877-483-8832 or write:
Boys & Girls Clubs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Edmonton & Area
P. O. Box 1800 Station Main
Edmonton, AB T5J 2P2